Spiritual Growth

Lessons from the Trail: Trusting God’s Path

Lessons from the Trail: Trusting God’s Path

Sometimes, life’s lessons unfold in the most unexpected places. For me, it was on a quiet trail, with different shoes and a different path. Usually, I lace up my trusty hiking boots and tackle steep mountainsides. But that day, I wore my barefoot shoes—remnants from a fitness challenge—and opted for the "easy" side of the mountain. Little did I know, the change in footwear and terrain would lead to a deeper spiritual insight.

Climbing Life’s Mountains

Climbing Life’s Mountains

A few days after Christmas, I found myself on a mountain trail. The air was crisp, the path winding, and my heart eager to conquer the hike. I started out strong, charging ahead with determination. But as the trail steepened and the terrain grew rougher, I felt my energy drain. My lungs burned, my legs ached, and I realized I’d made a mistake: I had started out running instead of taking it slow.

The Lord began to speak to my heart on that trail. How often do I do this in life? I start with enthusiasm, leaning into my own strength and my own pace, only to find myself worn out and unable to continue when trials come. This hike became a living metaphor for the way God calls us to live—not rushing ahead but walking in stride with Him.

Establish the Work of Our Hands – Living with Purpose and Beauty

“And let the beauty and delightfulness of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands—yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.”

Psalm 90:17 (AMPC)

As we approach the close of another year, it’s natural to reflect on all we’ve done—our accomplishments, our failures, and the impact we’ve left behind. In the flurry of tasks and responsibilities, it’s easy to wonder: Does what I do really matter? Is this work significant?

Psalm 90:17 answers those questions with a resounding yes. It reminds us that our work—when rooted in God—is not only meaningful but also blessed by His beauty and permanence.

The Beauty of the Lord Upon Us

The Amplified Classic version of this verse emphasizes the “beauty and delightfulness of the Lord.” This isn’t merely external beauty but a radiance that flows from being aligned with God’s purposes. When we walk in step with Him, even the most mundane tasks—washing dishes, comforting a crying baby, balancing work deadlines—take on a divine glow.

God’s beauty transforms our perspective. The endless to-do lists aren’t just tasks; they’re opportunities to reflect His character. The small moments of kindness we show to others become seeds of eternity. Even our mistakes, when surrendered to Him, can become beautiful examples of His grace and redemption.

Establishing the Work of Our Hands

The psalmist’s prayer is that God would confirm and establish the work of our hands. In a world where so much feels fleeting, this prayer reminds us that what we do in partnership with God has eternal significance.

When we’re overwhelmed by busyness or consumed by doubt, this verse invites us to pause and seek God’s guidance. It’s not about striving harder or doing more; it’s about aligning our work with His plans. As we do, He takes our efforts—however small—and gives them lasting impact.

Living Beautifully in the Everyday

At Live Beautiful Ministries, we believe that beauty begins in the heart. As daughters of God, we are called to live in a way that reflects His goodness and grace in every aspect of our lives.

To live beautifully means:

  1. Inviting God into our work - Whether you're crafting a presentation, cooking dinner, or ministering to a friend, pray over your work. Ask God to guide your hands and establish your efforts for His glory.

  2. Resting in His delight - You don't have to earn His approval. God delights in you simply because you are His. Let this truth free you from striving for perfection.

  3. Embracing small beginnings - The seemingly insignificant moments matter.
    A kind word, a helping hand, a prayer whispered in faith-God uses these to build His kingdom.

A Prayer for the New Year

As we step into the next season, let’s make Psalm 90:17 our prayer:

Lord, let Your beauty rest upon us. May Your presence fill our hearts and our homes with delightfulness and peace. Establish the work of our hands—whether big or small. May everything we do be a reflection of Your goodness and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Take heart, dear sister. What you do matters. When surrendered to God, your work becomes a masterpiece of eternal significance—a reflection of His beauty and love for the world.

Let’s walk into this new year with purpose, rooted in His grace, and reflecting the true beauty of Christ.

“Starting Over, But Not From Scratch”

“Starting Over, But Not From Scratch”

Have you ever felt defeated because you’re starting over… again? Maybe it’s the third time, the tenth, or the twentieth. You’ve put in the work before, only to face setbacks or interruptions. I know how discouraging that can feel. Yesterday, as I was talking about restarting something for the third time, someone said something that completely reframed my perspective:

“You’re not starting as a beginner this time; you’re starting with experience.”

What a powerful truth!