Answering God’s Call with a Willing Heart

Last night, I took my daughter to see her favorite Christian artist in concert. It was an unforgettable experience and spoke to my heart deeper than I could have imagined. As we sat there, both artists on stage shared stories of how they had different plans for their lives, plans they thought were good and meaningful. Yet God had a different path for them, and He said, “No.” Both had been set on careers that would have been perfectly honorable, roles that would have contributed positively to the world. But God intervened, gently rerouting them toward something greater.

At one point, my daughter looked up at me with wide eyes when one of the artists admitted that he’d initially resisted God’s direction. “Oh no! That’s not good!” she whispered. Her innocent, immediate reaction made me smile. I felt so blessed that, at her young age, she could recognize the importance of obedience to God. And it touched me deeply to see one of her role models on stage modeling that very obedience, honestly sharing how she’d wrestled with fear, doubt, and hesitation but eventually trusted God’s plans.

Their words stirred something in me. I realized how often I, too, have hesitated when God called me toward something that felt beyond me—something I didn’t feel ready or qualified to do. I’ve wrestled with fear of rejection, fear of failure, and fear of criticism. But watching those artists stand on that stage, where God had placed them in His timing and His way, I found myself encouraged in ways I didn’t expect.

One of the artists shared a story that really struck me. He said he prayed, “God, take this away if I’m not supposed to have it.” The very next day, his label dropped him. But here he was, standing in front of us on a national tour, without a label—proving that even when people don’t see our worth, God’s plans are unshakeable. He knows exactly where we need to be, and if we’re willing, He’ll place us there in His timing.

I was reminded that God needs all of us to share His name and the good news of the gospel with the people around us. For some, that calling comes with a platform; for others, it’s in the quiet, everyday spaces of life and community. I’m someone who’s never felt drawn to be the center of attention, yet God is calling me to step out and use my voice, despite my fears. I’ve learned that sometimes He withholds the platform from those who seek it, but calls those who don’t—because their hearts are focused on Him, not on the spotlight.

So, I echo the words of Isaiah: “Here I am, send me.” Lord, even in my fears and uncertainty, I will trust You. May I walk in obedience and step with You, wherever You lead. Amen.