Finding Rest in God: A Sacred Rhythm of Work and Stillness
In a world that glorifies busyness, we are constantly taught to find renewal in fleeting comforts like bubble baths, pedicures, or a glass of wine. While these things may offer temporary relief, the truth is that genuine rest and renewal can only be found in God.
Jesus extends this invitation to us: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." — Matthew 11:28-30
This sacred invitation is a reminder that we don’t have to carry the weight of our responsibilities alone. True rest is found when we lay our burdens at His feet and embrace the rhythm of grace He designed for our lives.
Honoring God Through Work and Rest
I believe we can serve God in our work, and I believe we honor Him when we rest. Both are essential components of a life lived for His glory. But the key is learning how to pause, to slow down, and to be still enough to hear His voice.
When I push myself to keep going nonstop, without taking time to pause and rest, I inevitably face burnout. I begin to neglect my family, fail to care for my physical and emotional well-being, and lose sight of being a good steward of the life God has entrusted to me. In the rush, I find myself making impulsive decisions driven by my own plans and desires, rather than waiting on the still, quiet guidance of the Lord.
Charles Swindoll wrote, "God never asked us to meet life's pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demand that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest."
What a beautiful reminder that we aren’t called to prove ourselves through busyness. Instead, God calls us to align our lives with His rhythm—a balance of work and rest that reflects His design. After all, even God worked and called it good, and then rested and called it holy.
Practical Steps to Embrace God’s Rest
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and weary, here are a few steps to help you reclaim the rest God intends for you:
Pause and Reflect: Ask yourself, Will this matter in one year? Five years? Ten years? Evaluating the importance of what’s consuming your time can help you release unnecessary burdens.
Pray Over Your Plans: Invite God into every aspect of your day. Ask Him to help you prioritize what matters to Him, not just what feels urgent to you.
Leave Margin in Your Day: Don’t fill your schedule to the brim. Leave space for flexibility and the unexpected ways God may want to move in your life.
Start and End Your Day With God: Begin your morning with prayer and Scripture. Let His Word fill your heart before the noise of the day begins. At night, take time to reflect on how you experienced His presence and where you can invite Him in more fully tomorrow.
Living a Life of Intentional Surrender
When we bring our time, plans, and to-do lists before the Lord, He is faithful to guide us. By surrendering our agendas, we create space for intentional living that honors Him. The world may offer fleeting distractions, but they can’t compare to the peace and rest God provides.
So, slow down. Spend time in the Word. Be still enough to hear His voice. When we follow His rhythm—one of work and rest—we’ll find we are better equipped to do the work He’s calling us to do. We will work with joy, rest with peace, and live lives that glorify Him.
Remember, Jesus’ invitation to rest isn’t just a fleeting promise; it’s a sacred gift waiting for us to accept. Let’s step into that rest and find renewal for our souls.