A few days after Christmas, I found myself on a mountain trail. The air was crisp, the path winding, and my heart eager to conquer the hike. I started out strong, charging ahead with determination. But as the trail steepened and the terrain grew rougher, I felt my energy drain. My lungs burned, my legs ached, and I realized I’d made a mistake: I had started out running instead of taking it slow.
The Lord began to speak to my heart on that trail. How often do I do this in life? I start with enthusiasm, leaning into my own strength and my own pace, only to find myself worn out and unable to continue when trials come. This hike became a living metaphor for the way God calls us to live—not rushing ahead but walking in stride with Him.
Learning to Walk in Step with the Father
On that mountain, I was reminded of how easily we let our own plans and timelines take over. We create expectations for how our lives should unfold, but Scripture calls us to a different path: walking in the will of the Father. Jesus Himself modeled this, saying, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing” (John 5:19).
When we rely on our own strength or try to accomplish things in our own timing, we wear ourselves out before we’ve even faced the hardest part of the climb. God has entrusted each of us with gifts and callings, but if we rush ahead, we risk squandering what He’s given us. The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) came to mind as I hiked—what a waste it would be to burn out because I refused to follow His lead.
The Danger of Rushing Ahead
There were moments on the trail where I caught myself thinking about the end goal. I wanted to reach the top so I could take a picture and share the victory. But the Lord gently reminded me: Whose glory am I seeking?
So often, we strive for recognition or accomplishment, seeking to glorify ourselves rather than God. Yet Jesus says, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). When we walk at the pace of grace that the Lord sets for us, everything we do points back to Him. The timing, the process, and even the struggles along the way—they’re all part of His plan, designed to bring Him glory.
Trusting God in the Slow Seasons
There were stretches of the hike that felt unbearably slow. I wanted to charge ahead, convinced that I could handle the climb on my own. But as the path steepened, I realized the Lord was preparing me for this moment all along. The slower, steady pace earlier in the hike had preserved my strength for the hardest part of the trail.
Isn’t life the same way? Sometimes, God’s pace feels too slow. We get frustrated when others seem to pass us by, or we grow impatient, thinking we know better. But the Lord’s pace is purposeful. He is preparing us for the steep climbs that require every ounce of energy and focus.
I thought of Hebrews 12:1-2 as I climbed: “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” Keeping my eyes on Jesus—and off those hiking ahead of me—helped me stay grounded.
Resting Along the Journey
Then came the rest stops. Some were breathtaking. I stood at a vista overlooking the valley below, marveling at how far I’d come. But other rest stops felt different. They weren’t scenic or inspiring. Instead, they felt desolate, making me question whether I’d made any real progress.
It’s tempting to push through those moments, to skip the rest and keep climbing. But God calls us to trust Him even in the pauses. Rest isn’t wasted—it’s where we catch our breath, regain our strength, and refocus our hearts. The rest stops, whether beautiful or barren, are just as important as the climb itself.
Fixing Our Eyes on the Lord
As I neared the summit, I felt a new kind of strength—not the kind that comes from my own ability but the kind that comes from surrender. I wasn’t hiking to prove something or to outpace anyone else. I was simply walking in step with the Lord, trusting His pace and His plan.
Life is full of hikes like this. Some people will pass you. Some will lag behind. Others you’ll catch up to. But none of that matters. The journey isn’t about keeping up with others; it’s about keeping in step with the One who created the path.
When you stumble—and you will—He’s there to lift you up. When you’re weary, He strengthens you. And when you feel like giving up, He reminds you that the journey isn’t over. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34).
Walking at the Pace of Grace
That day on the mountain, the Lord taught me something invaluable: the climb is hard, but His pace is perfect. Whether the path is smooth, rocky, or steep, He’s with us.
So take it one step at a time. Trust His pace. Walk at the pace of grace. And let every step—every rest, every climb, every stumble—be for His glory.